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  • What type of soil suitable for rice plant?Explain.
    Clayey soil, because it has/holds water well
  • What is the function of ovaries?
    It produces egg cell
  • what is pollinators? Mention 2 examples of pollinators.
    anything that helps carry pollen from the male part of the flower (stamen) to the female part. Bee/butterfly/insects/wind/water,etc.
  • What will happen to the uterus if egg is not fertilised?
    The uterus lining will breaks down and released with blood through vagina called as menstruation
  • What is the nutrient that helps our body to store energy? Gives 1 example of food with it.
    Fat. Cake/ice cream/milk/meat, etc.
  • What is the difference between veins and arteries?
    Veins bring carbon dioxide from all part of body to the heart, while arteries brings oxygen from heart to all part of the body
  • What is the tools used in the picture
  • Mention 3 ways to make electromagnet stronger
    use more batteries, use more coils of wire, use strong magnetic materials
  • What is the separation technique that separate big particle from small particles of solid?
  • What is the difference between tranlucent and transparent materials?
    Translucent materials allow some light to pass, while transparent materials allow light to pass
  • What happens during fertilisation in plants?
    The male reproductive cell fuse with the egg cell
  • What will happen if you light up a torch in front of a transparent materials?
    the light will be be passed on and there will be no shadow
  • What is the function of carbohydrate? Gives 1 example of food with it.
    To gives us energy. Rice/potato/noodle/corn,etc.
  • Mention 3 parts of our digestive system that use digestive juice to break down the food
    mouth, stomach, small intestine
  • Which part of plants undergoes germination?
  • When we ran excessively, we will pant. why?
    because our brains tell our respiratory system to take more oxygen to produce more energy.
  • Which cell have chloroplast used in photosynthesis?
    Mesophyl cell
  • What is force?
    A push or a pull to an object
  • What is starch? Mention 1 example of plants and where they keep the starch.
    Excess sugar stored in a plant. spinach - Leaves/ yam - root/ sugar cane - stem.
  • What is the name of this flowering plants?
    Rafflesia arnoldii
  • What are the products of photosynthesis?
    sugar and oxygen
  • Which classification of vertebrates does penguin belongs to? State 2 reason.
    Bird. It have wings / 2 legs / a beak / lays egg / It have short feathers
  • What is the function of uterus?
    It is the place where baby grows
  • What is multicellular organism?
    Organism that have more than 1 cell
  • Which part of male reproductive system produce sperm?
  • Mention 3 ways to make bulbs lights up brighter in an electric circuit
    use more batteries, use less bulbs, put in series arrangement
  • Explain why deforestation will cause decrease in the population of some animals.
    Deforestation caused animals to lose its habitat. When they don't have place to live, they will die and cause the population to decrease
  • What is the difference between series and parallel circuit?
    In series circuit there is only 1 path for electricity while in parallel circuit there are more than1 path for the electricity.
  • What do you call a magnet that made using electricity?
  • What is the predator of grasshopper?
    Mouse and bird