
Saying YES - NO (correct the sentences)

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  • Mr. Fogg is a doctor.
    Mr. Fogg ISN'T a doctor. He IS an inventor.
  • Passepartout is Mr. Fogg's brother.
    Passepartout ISN'T Mr. Fogg's brother. He is the valet.
  • Miguel can't play the guitar.
    Miguel CAN play the guitar.
  • Mr. Bean has small ears.
    Mr. Bean DOESN'T HAVE small ears. He HAS big ears.
  • The elephant is a small animal.
    The elephant ISN'T a small animal. He is big.
  • Mr. Fogg is happy.
    Mr. Fogg ISN'T happy. He IS surprised.
  • Mirabel has black hair.
    Mirabel DOESN'T HAVE black hair. She HAS brown hair.
  • The elephant is sad.
    The elephant ISN'T sad. It IS angry/furious.
  • Mr. Fogg is happy in the Academy.
    Mr. Fogg ISN'T happy. He IS nervous.
  • The sloth is very fast.
    The sloth ISN'T fast. It IS very slow.
  • The snake is short.
    The snake ISN'T short. It IS long.
  • Mr. Bean has brown hair.
    Mr. Bean DOESN'T HAVE brown hair. He HAS black hair.
  • The elephant likes the enormous crocodile.
    The elephant DOESN'T LIKE the enormous crocodile.
  • Mr. Bean has a robot.
    Mr. Bean DOESN'T HAVE a robot. He HAS a teddy bear.
  • Mr. Bean doesn't like lemonade.
    Mr. Bean LIKES lemonade
  • The mouse is big.
    The mouse ISN'T big. It IS small.
  • The Eiffel Tower is in Italy.
    The Eiffel Tower ISN'T in Italy. It IS in France.