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  • What are you doing now?
    I'm ...
  • What do you like doing in your free time? How often do you ...?
    I like ... (V-ing). I ...
  • Can you play an instrument? Do you like singing?
    Yes, I can./ No, I can't. Yes, I do/ No, i don’t.
  • Do you often go to the restaurant with your family?
    Yes, I do/ no I don’t. I sometimes/ never ...
  • What are you going to do on the weekend?
    On the weekend I’m going to .. (visit my grandma, go to ...)
  • Describe your house!
  • What would you like for breakfast/ for lunch/ for dinner?
    I'd / I would like some ... / a ...
  • Tell me about your favorite TV show. (What channel is it on?/ When's it on?
    My favourite show is....... . It's on ..(VTV3...). It's on at (7:00pm ...)
  • What would your friend like for breakfast/ for lunch/ for dinner?
    She/ he would like some ... / a ... / an ...
  • What do you usually eat for breakfast?
    I usually eat/ have ...
  • Will you travel by plane?
    Yes, I will/ No I won’t.
  • Where your classroom/ you house?
    You have to go straight/ go upstairs/ turn right.
  • What is he/ she doing?
    He/ She is ...
  • How much money/ how many magazines/ toys .. do you have?
  • Can you cook? What can you cook?
  • What did you do yesterday?
    I ...
  • Where did you go on Saturday? What did you see? Did you buy anything?
    I ...
  • Did you go on vacation last summer? How did you travel there?
    Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t. I traveled there by train/ cars/ motorbike ...
  • Who cook in your family?