
Everyday Activities- I

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  • Who normally cleans your house?
    the person who normally cleans my house is...
  • What time do you get dressed?
    I get dressed at ...
  • What time do your parents wake up in the week?
    They wake up at...
  • What time is lunch ready in your house?
    Lunch is normally ready at...
  • How many hours do you regularly sleep at night?
    I regularly sleep...
  • How many times a day do you wash the dishes?
    I normally wash the dishes ...
  • Who do you eat dinner with?
    I eat dinner with...
  • What time do you watch T.V?
    I watch T.V at ...
  • What time do you eat dinner?
    I eat dinner at ...
  • Where do you eat your breakfast during the week?
    I eat my breakfast in..
  • What time do you normally go to school?
    I normally go to school at...
  • What time do you get up?
    I get up at ...
  • How many times a week do you exercise?
    I exercise .... 
  • How many times do you brush your teeth in the day?
    I brush my teeth  ...
  • how many times a week do you clean your room?
    I normally clean my room...
  • How many hours do you study at home?
    I study ...
  • How many times a day do you feed your pet?
    I feed my pet....
  • What time do you normally finish school?
    I finish school at...
  • Who is the first one to shower everyday in your house?
    the first one to take a shower is...
  • Where do you normally practice your hobbies?
    I practice my hobbies in...
  • What time do you go to bed?
    I go to bed at ...
  • What time do you play with your friends?
    I play with my friends at ...
  • What time do you exercise?
    I exercise at ...
  • What time do you normally practice one of your hobbies?
    I normally practice my hobbies at...
  • What do you normally watch on TV?
    I normally watch...
  • What time do you eat breakfast?
    I eat breakfast at ...
  • Who prepares lunch in your house?
    the person who prepares lunch in my house is...
  • Where do you normally listen to music?
    I listen to music in...
  • What time do you brush your teeth?
    I brush my teeth at...
  • What time do you wake up?
    I wake up at ...
  • How many times do you normally listen to music?
    I normally listen to music ....
  • What time do you do your homework?
    I do my homework at ...
  • How much time do you walk your dogs?
    I walk my dogs...
  • What time do you take a shower?
    I take a shower at ...