
Unit 19

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  • crowd
    his group of friends/ the people he socialises with; informal
  • wedding party
    the main group of close family and friends at a wedding, rather than to the reception after the wedding
  • launch party
    a party to celebrate the publication of a new book or product
  • to hobnob with
    be friendly with someone who is important or famous, sometimes with negative associations
  • fancy dress
    everyone dresses up in costume
  • leaving do
    a party to celebrate somebody leaving a job or institution
  • housewarming
    a party to celebrate moving to a new house or flat
  • to be an item
    having a romantic relationship; informal
  • party animal
    someone who loves going to parties
  • outstaying my welcome
    staying too long
  • to do lunch
    have lunch (informal)
  • stag party
    a party before a wedding for the future husband and his male friends
  • to stand someone up
    deliberately not meeting somebody you have arranged to meet
  • reception
    a formal party, e.g. after a wedding or to meet an important visitor
  • black tie affair
    a formal event at which men have to wear dinner jackets and black bow ties
  • to be proactive
    taking action yourself rather than waiting for something to happen
  • cliquey (clique)
    a disapproving word for a small group of people who spent time together and do not allow others to join them
  • to exchange
    give to, and receive from, one another
  • networking
    a way of making and using contacts to get job information and advice
  • to rub shoulders with
    mix socially with people; informal
  • hen night, bachelorette party
    a party night out before a wedding for the future wife and her female friends
  • hang out with/knock around with (informal)
    spend social time with
  • girls' night out
    an evening out just for female friends
  • socialising
    meeting people purely for pleasure