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  • What object is this beak similar to?
    It is similar to a chisel.
  • Can birds see colors?
    Yes, birds can see colors.
  • What object is this beak similar to?
    It is similar to a strainer.
  • Which birds have feathers?
    All birds have feathers.
  • What object is this beak similar to?
    It is similar to scissors.
  • What is the purpose of this beak?
  • What is the purpose of this beak?
    Picking up and eating insects.
  • What is the purpose of this beak?
    Cracking seeds.
  • Do birds have warm or cold blood?
    Birds have warm blood.
  • How many legs do birds have?
    Birds have two legs.
  • What is the purpose of this beak?
    Making holes in a piece of wood.
  • What object is this beak similar to?
    It is similar to a spear.
  • Which birds lay eggs?
    All birds lay eggs.
  • Do birds breathe as efficiently as humans?
    No, birds breathe more efficiently than humans.
  • Are there birds that cannot fly?
    Yes, there are birds that cannot fly.
  • Are birds vertebrates? Do they have a backbone?
    Yes, birds are vertebrates because they have a backbone.
  • What object is this beak similar to?
    It is similar to a straw.
  • What object is this beak similar to?
    It is similar to tweezers.
  • What is the purpose of this beak?
    Straining plants from the water.
  • What object is this beak similar to?
    It is similar to an insect net.
  • What is the purpose of this beak?
    Tearing (cutting) meat.
  • What is the purpose of this beak?
    Catching flying insects.
  • What is the purpose of this beak?
    Sucking nectar from flowers.
  • What object is this beak similar to?
    It is similar to a nutcracker.