
Animal Habitats

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  • Where do I live?
    The ocean.
    The forest
    The jungle
    The Arctic
  • Where do I live?
    The desert
    The Arctic
    The forest
    The jungle
  • Where do I live?
    The forest
    The Arcitc
    The ocean
    The desert
  • Where do I live?
    The desert
    The forest
    The Arctic
    The ocean
  • Where do I live?
    The jungle
    The desert
    The forest
    The ocean
  • Where do I live?
    The ocean
    The jungle
    The forest
    The Arctic
  • Where do I live?
    The desert
    The jungle
    The forest
    The ocean
  • Where do we live?
    The desert
    The jungle
    The Arctic
    The ocean
  • Where do we live?
    The desert
    The forest
    The Arctic
    The jungle
  • Where do we live?
    The jungle
    The ocean
    The Arctic
    The forest