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  • Large crocodiles eat antelope and deer.
    and - antelope : deer
  • A crocodile's snout is pointy, and an alligator's snout is broad.
    and - crocodile's snout is pointy :  alligator's snout is broad
  • Crocodiles often lose their teeth, but they grow new ones.
    but - crocodiles often lose their teeth : they grow new ones
  • Cold weather may cause deformity or death to baby crocodiles.
    or - deformity or death
  • Never go near an alligator, or you may be badly injured.
    or - go near an alligator : you may be badly injured
  • Both the upper and lower teeth show on the crocodile.
    and - upper : lower
  • Most crocodiles hunt at night, but hungry ones hunt any time.
    but - most crocodiles hunt at night : hungry ones hunt any time
  • Alligators do not have an enlarged fourth tooth, nor do they need it.
    nor - do not have an enlarged fourth tooth : do they need it
  • The snout usually shows differences, but the Indian Mugger crocodile looks much like an alligator.
    but - snout usually shows differences : Indian Mugger crocodile looks much like an alligator
  • There are many ways to tell whether an animal is a crocodile or an alligator.
    or - crocodile:  alligator