
<<中文>> 3-10

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  • (一...就)我吃了饭。我去学校。
  • 上次
    last time (shàng cì)
  • 终点
    destination; finish line (zhōng diǎn)
  • (起........来了) 妈妈给我理发。
  • 野花
    wild flower ( yě huā)
  • to pick, to pluck, to collect, to select - cǎi
  • 路边
    roadside (lù biān)
  • 得意
    proud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent(dé yì)
  • 追上来
    to catch up ( zhuī shàng lái)
  • 赛跑
    running race (sài pǎo)
  • (起........来了) 外面下雪
  • to let, to allow, to make (ràng)
  • 一个劲儿地
    continuously, persistently, keep on - yí ge jìnr de
  • 仍然
    still, yet ( réng rán)
  • 不停地
    constantly, continuously, non-stop ( bù tíng de)
  • (起...来了.) 兔子睡觉。
  • 兔子
    rabbit (tù zi)
  • 坚持
    to insist on; to persist in; persevere in - jiān chí
  • 飞快地
    very fast,at lightning speed
  • 不一会儿
    in a moment; in a little while; soon - bù yí huìr
  • 灰心
    lose heart; be discouraged - huī xīn
  • 奖励
    award, to reward - jiǎng lì
  • 睡着了
    fall asleep (shuì zháo le)
  • (一...就)我开门。小猫叫了起来。
  • 这样
    in this way,like this (zhè yàng)
  • 乌龟
    turtle (wū guī)
  • (一...就) 冷风来./汽变成了小雨珠。
  • to win (yíng)
  • 比赛
    competition, contest, match (bǐ sài)
  • 开始
    to start; to begin ( kāi shǐ)