
How many/How much

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • How much TV have you watched?
    not much
  • How many times did you go out?
  • How many days didn't you have lessons?
    nine (9)
  • Now much did you surf the Internet?
    a lot
  • How many new things did you buy?
    not many
  • How many new songs have you listened to?
    not many
  • How many times did you get up after 11 am?
    nine (9)
  • How much ice cream have you eaten?
    not much
  • How much homework have you done?
    not much
  • Now many books have you read?
    not many
  • How many times did you call/text your teacher?
    zero (0)
  • How much did you help about the house?
    not much
  • How many friends have you met?