
animal classifications

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  • Fish breathe with their g______
  • Do reptiles have babies or lay eggs?
    Reptiles lay eggs
  • What classification of animal is it?
  • Do amphibians have babies or lay eggs?
    Amphibians lay eggs
  • How many body parts do insects have?
    Insects have 3 body parts
  • Where do mammals live?
    Mammals live on land
  • Where do reptiles live?
    Reptiles live on land, but some reptiles spend a lot of time in the water also
  • reptiles and fish have s______
  • Where do amphibians lay their eggs?
    Amphibians lay their eggs in the water
  • Which animals are warm-blooded?
    Mammals/birds are warm-blooded
  • birds/fish/reptiles/amphibians/mammals are v__________
  • insects are i______________
  • Where do amphibians live?
    amphibians live on land and in the water
  • Do fish have babies or lay eggs?
    Fish lay eggs
  • What classification of animal is it?
  • What classification of animal is it?
  • Do birds lay eggs or have babies?
    Birds lay eggs
  • What classification of animal is it?
  • Which animals are cold-blooded?
    Fish/reptiles/amphibians/insects are cold-blooded
  • What is an amphibian's skin like?
    Amphibians have smooth, wet skin
  • Where do fish live?
    Fish live in the water
  • What classification of animal is it?
  • How many legs do insects have?
    Insects have 6 legs
  • Do mammals have babies or lay eggs?
    mammals have babies
  • Do insects lay eggs or have babies?
    Insects lay eggs