
Best Film Lines Ever!

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  • Doctor Strange said "I never meant for this to happen."
    Doctor Strange said that he had never meant for that to happen.
  • Guy said "I'm going to be the great guy!"
    Guy said that he was going to be the great guy.
  • "I am Groot," said Groot.
    Groot said that he was Groot.
  • Natasha Romanoff said "Pain only makes us stronger."
    Natasha Romanoff said that pain only made them stronger.
  • "We'll always have Paris," said Bogart.
    Bogart said that they would always have Paris.
  • "This is Sparta!" shouted Leonidas.
    Leonidas shouted that that was Sparta.
  • Duke Leto Atreides said "A great man doesn't seek to lead his people"
    D. L. A. said that a great man didn't seek to lead his people.
  • "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," said Dorothy to Toto.
    Dorothy said to/told Toto that she had a feeling they were not in Kansas anymore.
  • "Say 'hello' to my little friend!" said Scarface to the crowd.
    Scarface told the crowd to say 'hello' to his little friend.
  • "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," the Godfather told him.
    The Godfather told him to keep his friends close and his enemies closer.
  • "Houston, we've had a problem," said the astronaut.
    The astronaut told Houston that they had had a problem.
  • "Ogres are like onions," said Shrek.
    Shrek said that ogres were like onions.Shrek said that ogres are like onions.
  • "They'll never take our freedom!" William Wallace said.
    W.W. said that they would never take their freedom.
  • Batman said "They think I'm hiding in the shadows, but I am the shadows."
    Batman said that they thought he was hiding in the shadows, but he was the shadows.
  • The girl asked him "Do you believe in ghosts?"
    The girl asked him if he believed in ghosts.
  • "With great power comes great responsibility," said uncle Ben to Peter Parker.
    Uncle Ben told Peter P. that with great power came great responsibility. U.B. told P.P. that with great power came great responsibility.
  • "I'll be back," said The Terminator.
    The Terminator said that he would be back.
  • Jack said "I'm the king of the world!"
    Jack said that he was the king of the world.
  • The Evil Queen asked the Mirror "who is the fairest of them all?"
    The Evil Queen asked the Mirror who the fairest of them all was.
  • Darth Vader told Luke, "I am your father."
    Darth Vader told Luke that he was his father.
  • "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship," he said to Louis.
    He told Louis that he thought that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
  • "(I need to) phone home," said E.T.
    E.T. said that he needed to phone home.
  • Forrest Gump said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
    Forrest Gump said that life was like a box of chocolates, (that) you never knew what you were going to get.
  • "My name is Bond, James Bond," he said.
    He said that his name was Bond, James Bond.
  • (Don't Look Up) Randall Mindy said "We really did have everything."
    R. M. said that they really had had everything.
  • "I see dead people," said the kid.
    The kid said that he saw dead people.
  • "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse," said the Godfather.
    The Godfather said that he was going to make him an offer he couldn't refuse.
  • "I have a very particular set of skills that make me a nightmare for people like you," said Liam Neeson to him.
    Liam Neeson said that he had a very particular set of skills that made him a nightmare for people like him.
  • Iam Malcolm asked "Why do they always have to go bigger?"
    Ian Malcolm asked why they always had to go bigger.
  • Cruella said "The good thing about evil people is that you can always trust them to do something evil."
    Cruella said that the good thing about evil people is that you could always trust them to do something evil.
  • "You're going to need a bigger boat to hunt this shark," said the Chief to the sailor.
    The Chief said that he was going to need a bigger boat to hunt that shark.
  • "I volunteer as tribute!" Katniss said.
    Katniss said that she volunteered as tribute.
  • "Show me the money!" said Jerry Maguire to the man.
    Jerry Maguire told him to show him the money.
  • "We don't need roads where we're going," said Doc to Marty.
    Doc told Marty/Doc said to Marty that they didn't need roads where they were going.
  • "I love the smell of napalm in the morning," said the lieutenant.
    The lieutenant said that he loved the smell of napalm in the morning.The lieutenant said that he loves the smell of napalm in the morning.
  • "Why (are you) so serious?," said The Joker to the man.
    The Joker asked him why he was so serious.
  • "Just keep swimming, Marlin" said Dory.
    Dory told Marlin to keep swimming. OR Dory encouraged Marlin to keep swimming.
  • "I am going to kill Bill," said the Bride.
    The Bride said that she was going to kill Bill.
  • Thor said "My Superheroing days are over."
    Thor said that his Superheroing days were over.
  • "There's no place like home," said Dorothy.
    Dorothy said that there was no place like home.