
First Certificate - Unit 3

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  • fare
    the money paid for the journey on public transport
  • set your heart on
    have a strong desire to do something or for something
  • uncharacteristically
    in a way that is not typical of a person or thing
  • prudence
  • wicked
    excellent, wonderful, cool - informal; morally very bad - formal
  • sensible
    level-headed and calm, make wise decisions
  • to enrich
    improve the quality or value
  • thin on the ground
    exist in small number or amount; infrequent
  • spurt
    move with a sudden burst of speed; increase of activity
  • to affect
    have an effect on; influence
  • straightforward
    uncomplicated and easy to understand; honest
  • to relieve
    to cause (pain or difficulty) to become less serious or severe
  • symphatetic
    showing sympathy; understand and care about other people's feelings
  • What is a triathlon?
    A multisport race consisting of swimming, cycling, and running over various distances.
  • look up to
    to respect and admire (someone)
  • spectator
    A person who watches at a show, game or other event.
  • enthusiasm
    intense and eager enjoyment, interest or approval