
Scientific Method

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  • A student wanted to know how the amount of ice affects the rate of cooling of a glass of water. What would be the IV in this experiment?
    The amount of ice
  • Doctors wanted to know if the amount of smoking affected lung capacity. They studied 3 groups (non-smokers, weekly smokers, and daily smokers). What would be the control group?
  • A student wanted to know how the length of a guitar string would affect the pitch. What would be IV in this experiment?
    Length of a guitar string
  • Students wanted to know if the temperature had an effect on the strength of a magnet. They tested one magnet at a high temperature, one at a low temperature, and one at room temperature. What would be the control?
    Room temperature
  • Students wanted to know if the sweetness of cookies was affected the amount of sugar in the mix? What would be the IV in this experiment?
    Amount of sugar
  • Students wanted to know which type of liquid worked best for growing beans. They watered one plant with pop, one with lemonade, and one with just water. After one week, the measured the height of each plant. What would be the control?
  • Students wanted to know if they gave baby mice vitamins would they grow at a faster rate. What would be the correct problem statement for this experiment?
    Does the amount of vitamins given to mice affect their growth rate? or What is the effect of the amount of vitamins given to mice on the rate of their growth?
  • Students wanted to know if the amount of sleep had an effect on their score on an exam. What would be a constant for this experiment?
    Example answers: same exam, same teacher, same testing environment (more answers acceptable)
  • I normally use regular unleaded gas, and I was wondering if I used a different type of gas, ( Premium Unleaded or Diesel), if that would affect the amount of pollution my car produced. What would be the control in this experiment?
    Regular unleaded gas
  • A student wanted to know if the distance a golf ball travels after being hit is affected by the height of the tee. What would be IV in this experiment?
    The height of the tee
  • A student wanted to know which type of bat (wood or aluminum) would hit a baseball the farthest. What would be a constant in this experiment?
    Example Answers: same pitcher, same hitter, same field, same baseball, same weather conditions, same pitch (more answers acceptable)
  • Scientists wanted to know what the effect of the amount of fertilizer on the amount of corn produced would be. What would be the DV in this experiment?
    Amount of corn produced
  • Students wanted to know if levels of anxiety were affected by the amount of time spent on social media. What would be the control group in this experiment?
    No time spent on social media
  • A student wanted to know if increasing the amount of baking soda would affect how much the cake rises when baked. What would be a good hypothesis for this experiment?
    If the amount of baking soda increases, then the amount of rising would increase (decrease).
  • A student wanted to know how the color of clothing would affect the amount of sunlight absorbed. What would be the correct title for this experiment?
    The Effect of the Color of Clothing on the Amount of Sunlight Absorbed
  • A student wanted to know if the amount of rainfall had an effect on the volume of water traveling down a river. What would be the DV in this experiment?
    Volume of water
  • Students wanted to know if the temperature of the water had an effect on the strength of a hurricane. What would be a correct hypothesis for this experiment?
    If the temperature of the water increases, then the strength of the hurricane will increase (decrease).