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  • What are considered private body parts?
  • signs your period is about to start
    feel bloated, irritable, moody, tired, low energy, have cramps, back ache, pimples, sore/tender breasts, cravings, light bleeding
  • what would you wear during winter?
    Heavy boots, Thick winter Jacket, mittens/gloves, scarf, hat
  • How should your clothes look?
    clean, wrinkle free, not to big/small, neat and tidy
  • Public or private: watching tv
  • what are some clothing options for Fall in Toronto
    pants, sweater/sweatshirt, scarf, light hat, closed toe shoes/light boots, light jacket
  • Why might you use deoderant?
    smell good, sweat less
  • Public or Private: changing your clothes
  • Private or public: Taking a shower
  • who might fall into your family circle?
    people closest to you (parents, caregievers, grandparents, siblings etc.)
  • what are some different ways you can style your hair
    pony tail, braiding, curling, straightening, extensions, dreadlocks, pig tails
  • What are some types of Exercise?
    sports, lifting weights, walking, running, aerobics, yoga, dancing, swimming
  • How long does a period usually last?
    5-6 days
  • How shouldnt our clothes look?
    Dirty, stained, wrinkly, too big, too small, sloppy, holes or rips
  • what would you wear during summer weather
    tshirt/tank top, shorts or light pants, sundress, sunglasses, sunscreen, flip flops, sandals or running shoes
  • Why might you wear a bra?
    providing comfort, avoiding back or neck pain, avoiding sweating or rubbing, lifting and shaping
  • How can you prepare for your upcoming period?
    carry pads/tampons in bag, carry advil with you, avoid wearing white, put together a kit/pouch, carry plastic bag, have a change of clothes in bag
  • Why is it important to take care of your teeth?
    healthy teeth & gums, avoiding pain from cavities, beautiful smile, fresh breath, strong teeth
  • What would you wearing during spring weather?
    Pants, tshirt/light long sleeve, sweater/sweatshirt, running shoes, hat or sunglasses if sunny, umbrella, raincoat and rainboots if raining
  • What activities are appropriate for strangers?
    There are no Appropriate activities for strangers
  • who is in the middle of your privacy circle?
    purple = Me
  • Public or private: eating a sandwich
  • name some physical changes during puberty
    taller, pimples, breasts grow, body hair, getting period