
CFA 9-10

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  • Memphis Massacre
    occured because of a lack of protection for African Americans rights during the Reconstruction period.
  • The North Star
    antislavery newspaper published by Fredrick Douglass
  • Goals of Reconstruction Act of 1867
    Protect African Americans, New State Constitutions for Confederate states
  • Reason for Missouri Compromise
    Maintain equal balance of free and slave states
  • Two groups denied citizenship due to Dred Scott v. Sandford
    Enslaved African Americans, Free Blacks
  • Gettysburg, PA
    Turning point of the Civil War. Confederacy invades the North
  • 14th Amendment
    granted citizenship to African Americans, all people are to receive equal treatment, passed during Reconstruction era.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe that convinced Americans to become abolitionists and try to ban slavery
  • Lincoln hated the-
    spread of slavery
  • Compromise of 1850
    California free state, Territories can decide for themselves, Fugitive Slave Law