
Countries and Nationalities

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  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: Japan Nationality: Japanese
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: Mexico Nationality: Mexican
  • Say the country and the nationality!
    Country: France Nationality: French
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: China Nationality: Chinese
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: England Nationality: English
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: Argentina Nationality: Argentinian
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: The United States of America Nationality: American
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: Canada Nationality:Canadian
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: Germany Nationality: German
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: Italy Nationality: Italian
  • Say the country and nationality!
    Country: Brazil Nationality: Brazilian