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  • Give one impact of the French and Indian War on people living in today's Quebec.
    Many French Settlers would not leave today's Canada.
  • Increasing the _______________ is the most helpful in improving a country's standard of living.
    literacy rate
  • Canada's biggest trading partner is _________________.
    The U.S.
  • The Canadian government is mostly free and specializes in ________________ and _____________.
    industry and techology
  • Which province has considered separating from Canada?
  • People make economic decisions based on changes in prices that occur between buyers and sellers in a _______________ economy.
  • Canada's government is a _______________________.
    parliamentary democracy
  • The king of the United Kingdom has a _______________ role in Canada's government.
  • Canada has _________ provinces.
  • Which two countries contributed the most to the languages of Canada?
    Great Britain and France
  • How is a president in a presidential democracy different from the prime minister in a parliamentary democracy?
    The president runs for office separately, but the prime minister is chosen from members of parliament.
  • Name three leading exports of Canada.
    oil, lumber, software.
  • People who emigrated from France to Quebec wanted to ________________.
    preserve the French language and culture in Canada.
  • NAFTA eliminated _____________ between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.
    trade barriers
  • Today's separatist movement in Quebec has become ______ and _____________.
    weaker and more divided.
  • Most Canadians live in southern Canada because of the _______________.
    temperate climate
  • NAFTA stands for __________________.
    North American Free Trade Agreement
  • The strength of the __________ of a country is measured by the gross domestic product.
  • Name three major environmental issues affecting Canada.
    1. acid rain polluting the Great Lakes 2. acid rain destroying the environment, 3. too much mining on the Canadian Shield.
  • Very few Canadians live in northern Canada because of the ______________.
    arctic climate
  • NAFTA is an example of ________________ between countries.
    forming trade agreements
  • Investing in ____________ allows businesses to produce more goods at a better price, leading to a higher GDP of that country.
    capital goods
  • The Canadian government made some concessions to Quebecers as a result of the ______________________. .
    referendum on Quebec seceding from Canada.
  • One goal of NAFTA was to expand the market for all _______ and ______.
    goods and services.
  • Canada gained its independence from Great Britain because of ________ made over many years.
  • Citizens in Canada vote for ________________ to one of the houses of parliament.
  • The King is represented by the __________________ in Canada.
    governor general
  • How have the people of Quebec protected their language and customs?
    French is the official language of Quebec.
  • The measure of how much gross domestic product each person produced in a year is the ____________________.
    GDP per capita
  • Why is it easy for Canada to trade with the United States?
    Canada has easy access to seven major ports on three oceans.
  • Name 3 leading imports in Canada.
    Televisions, computers, consulting services
  • Limiting the amount of cheese that can be purchased by Canada in order to increase sales of cheese made in Canada is called imposing a _____________________.
  • Canada uses trade barriers for certain products, such as _________________.
    U.S. agricultural products.