
J3A unit 1 was/were short answers

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  • Was your friend at school yesterday?
  • Was your mum at work yesterday?
    Yes, she../No, she...
  • What's the time? (half past)
    It's half past 12.
  • Were you happy yesterday?
    Yes, I.../No, I ...
  • Were your parents at the park yesterday?
    Yes, they.../No, they...
  • Was the weather hot yesterday?
    Yes, it.../No, it...
  • Where was grandpa yesterday?
    He was at home.
  • What's the time? (quarter to/quarter past)
    It's quarter to five.
  • Were you at home at 7 o'clock yesterday?
    Yes, I .../No, I ...
  • What's the time? (quarter to/quarter past)
    It's quarter past 12.
  • Were you tired yesterday?
    Yes, I was/No, I wasn't
  • Was your room clean yesterday?
    Yes, it.../No, it...
  • Were you at the beach yesterday?
    Yes, I.../No, I...
  • What's the time? (quarter to/quarter past)
    It's quarter to 12.
  • Where were you yesterday?
    I was at (home/school/ the playground / swimming pool...)