
Pascua y Semana Santa

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  • Name something used to decorate the floats.
    flowers, gold, silver, candles and fine fabrics​
  • How do you say "Palm Sunday" in Spanish? (El _______ de ramos)
    El domingo de Ramos
  • A basket
    Una cesta
  • A bird/chick
    Un pajarito
  • An egg
    Un huevo
  • What is "La Dansa de la Mort"
    A dance done by people in skeleton costumes.
  • Easter
  • A nest
    Un nido
  • What is the job of the "Costaleros"?
    To carry the heavy floats
  • What is "La mona de pascua"?
    A special cake eaten on Easter Day!
  • Why do the "Nazarenos" wear robes and cone-shaped masks/hats?
    To be equal and humble - To focus on praying
  • A rabbit
    Un conejo
  • What is the week leading up to Easter known as?
    Semana Santa (Holy week)
  • What is "El Domingo de Resurrección"
    Easter Sunday - a day of happiness and celebration because on this day the Resurrection of Jesus is remembered.​
  • What is the "Saeta"?
    A special Easter Song
  • What is the 40 day period of fasting known as to Catholics?
    Lent (La cuaresma)
  • Chocolate
    El chocolate