
Review Mishnayos Sukkah Perek 4

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  • ו - What were these days called?
    יוֹם חִבּוּט חֲרִיּוֹת - the day(s) of beating branches
  • ה - What did they say as they left?
    מחלוקת: ת"ק - יֹפִי לְךָ מִזְבֵּחַ..., ר' אליעזר - לְיָ-הּ וּלְךָ מִזְבֵּחַ...
  • ג - Why did חז"ל allow [one day of] ערבה to be done on שבת?
    To show that the מצוה of ערבה is important - הלכה למשה מסיני.
  • ד - What was everyone told to say when they brought their לולבים to the בהמ"ק? Why?
    Whoever gets my לולב, it should be theirs as a present! The 1st day you need to shake your own לולב
  • ח - May one then begin to bring in his vessels? Why?
    After Mincha you may bring them in to prepare for the last day - שמיני עצרת.
  • ט -Where did he walk through when entering the בית המקדש? What was done when he arrived?
    שער המים - the "Water Gate". They would blow the trumpets - תקיעה תרועה תקיעה
  • ד - What would the elders do? Why?
    They put their לולבים in a special room so not to get pushed.
  • א - On how many days of סוכות are the following מצות done: לולב, ערבה, הלל, שמחה,סוכה, נסוך המים, חליל
    לולב 6/7 ערבה 6/7 הלל 8 שמחה 8 סכה 7 נסוך המים 7 חליל 5/6
  • ד - How would they originally prepare their לולבים in the בית המקדש when the 1st day of סוכות fell out on שבת?
    They brought their לולבים before שבת. They gave them to the attendants and were put on benches.
  • י - How would they prepare the water for ניסוך המים before שבת?
    They filled water from the 'Shiloach" into a not-קדוש gold barrel, and put it into a room.
  • ב - In what case is לולב taken for all 7 days of סוכות?
    When the first day falls out on שבת.
  • ט - What the bowls on the מזבח for the נסכים made of?
    מחלוקת: ת"ק - silver, ר"י - plaster just they were darkened from the wine
  • ג - In what case is ערבה only done for 6 days of סוכות?
    When any other day besides the 7th falls out on שבת
  • ח - After finishing eating on the 7th day of סכות, may one begin undoing his סוכה? Why?
    No, you might still need it the rest of the day (for eating/sleeping)
  • ז - Describe what happened in our משנה: [2 פשטים]
    1. Adults would take and eat אתרוגים of children. 2. The children would eat their own אתרוגים
  • ז - When is the our משנה talking about?
    After having shaken the לולב on the last day of סכות.
  • ו - (acc to רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן בֶּן בְּרוֹקָה) What would be done after standing the ערבות against the מזבח?
    Bang them on the ground next to the מזבח
  • ו - In what case was מצות ערבה done on שבת?
    On the 7th day
  • ב - In what cases is לולב only taken for 6 days?
    When any other day besides the 1st falls out on שבת
  • י - Why didn't they keep the water into the regular golden pitchers used for ניסוך המים?
    The water would become קדוש from the pitcher and become פסול if left overnight.
  • ח - What does the משנה teach us about הלל ושמחה?
    You are חייב in הלל ושמחה on the 8th day (שמיני עצרת) just like the other days of סכות.
  • ט - How much water was poured for ניסוך המים? For how many days?
    מחלוקת: ת"ק - 3 לוגים for 7 days, ר"י - 1 לוג for 8 days
  • ט - What did they tell the כהן pouring the water to do? Why?
    "Lift up your hands!" Once a כהן (a צדוקי) poured on his legs and they pelted him with אתרוגים!
  • ט - Where did the כהן carrying the water then walk?
    Up the ramp of the מזבח and turn to the left towards the 2 bowls.
  • ד - What did בית דין see? What did they do?
    They saw it was dangerous, so they decreed that everyone shake at home on the 1st day/שבת.
  • ה - How many times would they go around the מזבח?
    The 7th day - 7 times, all the other days - 1 time
  • י - What would be done if the water spilled or was left uncovered overnight?
    They would fill up water for ניסוך המים from the כיור.
  • ה - What was done after the ערבות were brought to the בהמ"ק?
    They stood them against the מזבח with their tops leaning over and blew trumpets
  • ו - What does רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן בֶּן בְּרוֹקָה hold was stood up against the מזבח?
    Hard palm branches (not ערבות)
  • ג - In what case is ערבה done for all 7 days of סוכות?
    When the 7th day falls out on שבת
  • ט - What was the pitcher for ניסוך המים made of? From where was it filled?
    Gold. The "Shiloach Spring"
  • י - What is wrong with using uncovered water or wine on the מזבח?
    You don't bring something that you yourself would not drink, on to the מזבח for ה'.
  • ט - How big were the holes in the bowls? Why?
    The water hole was thinner and the wine hole wider, so they would finish draining at the same time.
  • ב - What is special about the 1st day in regards to לולב?
    It is a מצוה מדאורייתא to shake לולב everywhere.
  • ה - How were the ערבות brought to the בית המקדש?
    Messengers of בית דין went to מוצא and gathered long ערבות branches from there.
  • ז - May one eat an אתרוג on סכות? Why?
    No, it מוקצה - set aside - for the מצוה.
  • ט - Which bowl was used for what? What happened if they were mixed up?
    West bowl - water, east bowl - wine. יוצא even if they were mixed up.
  • ד - What used to happen when they came to their בהמ"ק to get their לולבים?
    The attendants would throw the לולבים and as people grabbed them, they hit each other.
  • ו - How would they prepare the ערבות before שבת?
    They would gather them before שבת and put they in golden barrels so they wouldn't wilt.