
Have got / has got

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  • I / small puppy.
    I have got small puppy.
  • Honza má dlouhé auto.
    Honza has got a long car.
  • My máme zelené a červené jablko.
    We have got green and red apple.
  • On má dvě ruce a dvě nohy.
    He has got two arms and two legs.
  • Petr má krátké auto.
    Petr has got a short car.
  • Vy máte dva bratry a jednu sestru.
    You have got two brothers and one sister.
  • Vy máte dlouhé ruce.
    You have got a long arms.
  • He / a big family.
    He has got a big family.
  • On má dlouhé hnědé vlasy.
    He has
  • Marek má nové kolo.
    Marek has got a new bike.
  • On má dva kamarády.
    He has got two friends.
  • My máme velkou svačinu.
    We have got a big snack.
  • On má zelené oči.
    He has got a green eyes.
  • Sára má zelené auto.
    Sarah has got a green car.
  • On má dlouhé hnědé vlasy.
    He hes got long brown hair.
  • Alex and John / big house.
    Alex and John have got big house.
  • Oni mají nové boty.
    They have got a new shoes.
  • Ona má dlouhé nohy.
    She has got a long leg.
  • She / a new bike.
    She has got a new bike.
  • Máme doma počítač.
    We have got a computer at home.
  • On má modré oči.
  • Ty máš žirafu.
    You have got a giraffe.