
The Story of the Olympics: An Unofficial History

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  • The Ancient Olympics were a celebration to...
  • What is one of the most common ways people try to cheat at the Olympics?
    by taking performance enhancing drugs
  • What is a 'boycott'?
    to protest by not taking part
  • Why did the Paralympics begin?
    So people with injuries from WWII could compete and get better health, a feeling of achievement, and friendship
  • What does "IOC" stand for?
    International Olympic Committee
  • What is the motto of the Olympics? (in English)
    Faster, Higher, Stronger
  • Name this sport
  • Name this sport
  • When/Why were the Olympic games canceled?
    For the 2 World Wars (1914-1918, 1939-1945)
  • What is another term for individuals of the Israeli nation?
  • Name this sport
    Pole Vault
  • Who could compete in the Ancient Olympic Games?
    only Greek men
  • Name this Olympic athlete
    Michael Phelps
  • Name a piece of technology that advanced the Olympic games.
    photo finish cameras, automatic timing devices, PSA, television
  • Name this Olympic athlete
  • Approximately how many sports are featured at the Olympic games?