
4th Quarterly Assessment in ICT

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  • It plays your slides as a presentation. In this view, the audience sees only the content and not any of the editing tools.
    Slide Show
  • What type of Select tool option was used to crop the image shown?
    Free-form selection
  • TRUE OR FALSE | Color 1 is used with the eraser and for shape fills.
  • This draws free-form lines or curves with the selected line width.
  • This tab allows you to review and use editing features on your presentation.
    Review tab
  • It gives you options such as opening a new document, saving and printing.
    File tab
  • This slide view option gives you your work area.
    Normal View
  • It has groups that contain the most used commands such as Copy and Paste, fonts, and Quick Styles.
    Home tab
  • It displays the name of the document and the name of the program you are using.
    Title Bar
  • This zooms in a part of your image in the Microsoft Paint.
    Magnifier tool
  • This allows you to zoom in or out your whole drawing.
    Zoom Control
  • This fills up the whole picture or an enclosed shape with colors.
    Fill with color
  • This is the white space on the Paint window.
    Drawing Area
  • This allows you to select the medium for the shape outline.
  • Includes the name of the presentation
    Title Bar
  • It includes themes that will give your presentation the style that will match and effectively show the purpose of your presentation.
    Design tab
  • The zone on the left of the Slide Pane.
    Slide Navigation Pane
  • These are rectangular spaces that serve as containers of text, tables, charts, and other objects in a slide.
  • It contains information about the picture you are working on. It is located at the bottom of the MS Paint window.
    Status Bar
  • It contains commands that let you create, open, save, and print drawings.
    File Tab
  • It allows you to reorganize, insert, delete, or copy slides and add transitions and animations.
    Slide Sorter
  • This word means to make lively and energetic so as to draw attention or give emphasis to content.
  • This tab allows you to set up your presentation to make it look professional and organized with options such as Use Timings or Play Narrations.
    Slide Show Tab
  • These are effects that you add to a slide to emphasis movement from one slide to the next.
  • A ________ is a single screen or page of a presentation
  • It hides the editing tools to help you read and review your slides.
    Reading View
  • This picks color from the picture and uses it for drawing.
    Color picker
  • This allows you to select the medium for the shape fill.
  • Enumerate the 4 types of animations we can apply to our presentations
    Entrance | Exit | Emphasis | Motion Path
  • TRUE OR FALSE | Color 2 is used with the pencil and with brushes as well as for shape outline.
  • It allows you to insert charts, tables, pictures, and other elements that will make your presentation visually attractive.
    Insert tab
  • We can change the thickness of our drawing in the Microsoft Paint by clicking on _________ tool.
  • Options to adjust how you view your slides.
    Slide View Options
  • You place all the content that you want your audience to see in this pane.
    Slide Pane
  • TRUE OR FALSE | Transition is an effect that you can apply to the text, object, and other elements in your slide.
  • By default, the name of a new PowerPoint presentation is _______________