
The Future

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  • 25 extra points!
    okie dokie!
    nope! nope! nope!
  • 20 extra points!
    okie dokie!
    nope! nope! nope!
  • 15 extra points!
    okie dokie!
    nope! nope! nope!
  • People won't drive flying cars someday.
  • 10 extra points!
    nope! nope! nope!
    okie dokie!
  • Choose the correct sentence
    We won't drive normal cars in 100 years
    We'll drive normal cars in 100 years
  • 5 extra points!
    okie dokie!
    nope! nope! nope!
  • In the future, people ______ live on Earth.
  • Will people fly in the future?
    Yes, they'll fly wearing wings
    No, they'll fly wearing flying shoes
    Yes, they'll fly wearing jetpacks
  • Someday, we _____ be ______ aliens
    will / friends with
    will / scared of
    won't / friends with
    won't / scared of
  • Where will people live in 100 years?
    People will live only on Earth!
    People will live in space colonies!
  • In the future, we will travel to planet Earth
  • Someday...
    robots will do the chores at home
    robots won't do the chores at home
  • People won't be ________ aliens
    scared of
    friends with
  • In 50 years, people will read electronic newspapers.