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  • Jan is an expert on keeping teeth clean and healthy! What is Jan's job?
  • Tina giggled as she watch the movie. What can we infer?
    Tina is hungry
    The movie was scary
    The movie was boring
    The movie was funny
  • The baseball was on the floor under the broken window. What can we infer?
    The baseball broke it
    Someone bumped into it to break it
    Nothing happened
    It was already broken
  • Melissa's stomach is rumbling. What can we infer?
    Melissa is excited
    Melissa is tired
    Melissa is hungry
    Melissa is bored
  • Maggie was getting ready to walk to school. What can we infer about Maggie?
    Maggie lives close to school
    Maggie is in 1st grade
    Maggie is never late
    Maggie is excited for school
  • Alex arrived at his grandma's house and saw a light on and the door was unlocked. What can we infer?
    Grandma was not home
    Grandma was on vacation
    Grandma was asleep
    Grandma was awake
  • Serena packed her bag and drove to the airport? What can we infer?
    Serena is home
    Serena is going on vacation
    Serena is going to school
    Serena is at work
  • Tim tiptoes past his sleeping brother. What can we infer?
    Tim is going to school
    Tim is being loud
    Tim does not want to wake him
    His brother is upset with him
  • Kate set up her tent and sleeping bag. She then made a fire to sit by and watch the stars. Where is Katie?
    a concert
  • Joe can help when you have a leak in a pipe, bath tub, or sink. What does Joe do?
  • Kayla made dinner for her family. Her mom and dad ate a lot of food. Their plates were empty at the end. What can we infer about them?
    Dinner is easy to make
    The food was overcooked
    There were leftovers
    The family enjoyed the meal
  • Sally built a sand castle with her bucket and shovel while her brother swam in the ocean. Where is Sally?
    at a restaurant
    the beach
    at home
    at school
  • Josh walked into the kitchen and saw muddy pawprints. His dog was soaking wet. what can we infer about the dog?
    The dog ate dinner
    The dog was given a bath
    The dog took a nap on the couch
    The dog played in the rain
  • Han hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work. He in his truck with his toolbox. What can we infer about Han?
    Han works from home
    Han loves his job
    Han fixes things for a job
    Han sells trucks
  • Sam works with exotic animals. He is in charge of feeding them, cleaning their habitats, and making sure they are happy and healthy. What is Sam's job?
  • Becca apologized to Jane. What can we infer about Becca?
    Becca did something wrong
    Becca and Jane are at school
    Becca is mad
    Becca has a brother
  • Miguel kicked the ball into the net. What can we infer?
    Miguel plays soccer
    Miguel plays basketball
    Miguel plays hockey
    Miguel is taking a nap
  • Everett's dad lifted him into the seat of the shopping cart. What can we infer about Everett?
    Everett is very young
    Everett had never been to a grocery store
    Everett's Dad does not shop often
    Everett's Dad needs help with shopping
  • Avery saw her neighbors with a bike, a kayak, and a surfboard in their garage. What can we infer about the neighbors?
    Her new neighbors are kind
    Her neighbors are elderly
    Her neighbors have several children
    Her neighbors like to spend time outdoors
  • Sarah kept yawning during breakfast. What can we infer?
    Sarah is not hungry
    Sarah is going to school
    Sarah is ready for the day
    Sarah did not sleep well