
Patterns of Motion in the Sky.

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  • What causes Day and Night?
    The rotation of Earth around its axis (itself).
  • Earth rotates clockwise on its vertical axis that passes through the two poles of Earth causing the cycle of day and night. (True/ False)
    False (counterclockwise)
  • Earth ....................... on its axis every 24 hours.
  • The surface of the earth that faces away from the sun has .........................
    night time
  • The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (True/False)
  • The surface of the earth that faces the sun has ........................
  • The phenomenon that occurs due to the rotation of earth on its axis.
    Day and night.
  • The orbiting of the earth around the sun is called ......................
  • In the middle of the day (at noon) we can see the sun ..................... of the sky.
    above in the center
  • The sun appears in the ....................... during the early morning.
  • Earth takes ............................. to make one complete turn on its axis.
    a whole day (24 hours)
  • It is an imaginary line passing through the North pole and South pole of Earth.
    Earth’s axis