
Unit 8 FPB

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  • Ned ............................................... (go) to a night club.
    Ned is going to go to a night club.
  • He .................................................. (wear) his new shirt.
    He is going to wear his new shirt.
  • My sister is still in bed, she's being lazy / doing exercise.
    My sister is still in bed, she's being lazy.
  • Choose: my brother is fat because he eats lots of junk food / healthy food.
    My brother is fat because he eats lots of junk food.
  • All Ned's friends ...................................... (go) to the club.
    All Ned's friends are going to go to the club.
  • We went to a nightclub last night and went to bed early / stayed up late.
    We went to a nightclub last night and stayed up late.
  • I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed early / stay up late.
    I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed early.
  • Jess is an athlete, she eats lots of healthy food / junk food.
    Jess is an athlete, she eats lots of healthy food.