
Customer Service

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  • Give two examples of Written Communication
    Letter, Report and Brochure
  • _______ are something that you must have, in order to live.
  • Identify the person in the image
  • Identify the type of customer in the white shirt
    Internal customer
  • A ________ is something that generally fulfills a need.
  • Identify the type of customer need
    The need to understood
  • One of the most important parts of communication is listening to what other people have to say. True or False
  • When a customer goes to a supermarket, identify one need that he or she has
    (i) The need to feel welcome a. (ii) The need to be understood
  • Identify the type of need
    The need for timely service. Quick service
  • Give three examples of Needs
    food, water, and shelter
  • The passenger is an example of what type of customer
    external customer
  • _______ are the people that pay for and use the products or services your company offers
    External customers
  • ________is the effective sharing or transmission of facts opinions or emotions by 2 or more people
  • Give two examples of face to face communication.
    interview, presentation and Meeting
  • List two effective methods of Communication
    Face-to-Face, Written Communication
  • What is the difference between Listening and Hearing
    Hearing is a physical activity while listening is an intellectual activity
  • Identify the type of need
    The need to feel important
  • To satisfy customer needs, the service provider would thank the customer for doing business with the organization. True or False
  • If you are working as a restaurant server in a sit-down restaurant, give one example of a request from an external customer.
    Menu choices for the day
  • In the communication process, the "receiver" is the listener, reader, or observer—that
    True or False
  • The____________of communication is the. method used to pass on the message to the intended receiver
    Medium or channel
  • In the communication process, the sender is the individual who initiates a message and is also called the communicator
    True or False