
unit 9 year 5b

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  • I need you _____(help) me carry this box.
    I need you to help me carry this box.
  • _________can make cupcakes! I'm not_________.
    We can make cupcakes! I'm not sure.
  • We finished ________ (eat) the popcorn before the movie started.
    We finished eating the popcorn before the movie started.
  • We______ride our bikes! Let's do________!
    We can ride our bikes! Let's do that!
  • Accept: Should we do karaoke?
    Answers may vary
  • We_________go swimming! Great _______!
    We can go swimming! Great idea!
  • __________go to the cinema! Let's________that!
    Let's go to the cinema! Let's do that!
  • Great ______! Let's ________ some dinner!
    Great idea! Let's make some dinner!
  • _________draw a picture! ______'m not sure.
    Let's draw a picture! I'm not sure.
  • We__________play computer games! Great__________!
    We can play computer games! Great idea!
  • ________can listen to music! I'm_______sure.
    We can listen to music! I'm not sure.
  • We _________skateboard! I______not sure.
    We can skateboard! I'm not sure.
  • What do you think the temperature will be like in Madrid during summer?
    It will/ it’ll be hot!
  • Suggest: go to park
    Would/should/do you want to go to the park?
  • Refuse: Should we fly to India right now?
    No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. (Answers may vary)
  • What year will you be in next year at school?
    I’ll be in year 6.
  • Let's ________to the swimming pool! It's not a good________.
    Let's go to the swimming pool. It's not a good idea.
  • ______go to the zoo! I___________.
    Let's go to the zoo. I agree.
  • Let's __________something fun!
    Let's do something fun!