
Passive voice

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  • (Active to passive) They drink banana beer in Africa.
    Banana beer is drunk in Africa.
  • (Active to passive) They make tyres from rubber.
    Tyres are made from rubber.
  • (Passive to active) The Harry Potter books were read by millions of children.
    Millions of children read the Harry Potter books.
  • (Active to passive) Christians celebrate Easter.
    Easter is celebrated by Christians.
  • (Active to passive) Somebody set my house on fire.
    My house was set on fire.
  • (Active to passive) 3,5 billion people follow football.
    The football is followed by 3,5 billion people.
  • (Active to passive) Aliens don't visit the Earth.
    The Earth isn't visited by aliens.
  • (Passive to active) The first goal of the match was scored by Ronaldo.
    Ronaldo scored the first goal of the match.
  • (Active to passive) They never returned the books to the library.
    The books were never retruned to the library.
  • (Passive to active) Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus.
    Romulus and Remus founded Rome.
  • (Passive to Active) Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare.
    William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
  • (Passive to active) The most cocoa beans are grown in Cote D'Ivoire and Ghana..
    Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana grow the most coca beans.
  • (Active to passive) They invented the wheel in Mesopotamia.
    The wheel was invented in Mesopotamia.
  • (Passive to active) An interesting discovery was made by scientists.
    Scientists made an interesting discovery.
  • (Passive to active) Julius Caesar was assassinated by Senators on 15 March, 44 BC.
  • (Passive to active) Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
    Leonardo Da Vinci painted Mona Lisa.
  • (Passive to Active) The first real car was built by Karl Benz.
    Karl Benz built the first real car.
  • (Passive to active) The door was locked by me.
    I locked the door.
  • (Active to passive) They clean the windows every day.
    The windows are cleaned every day.
  • (Active to passive) They didn't see Peter again.
    Peter wasn't seen again.
  • (Active to passive) They named America after Amerigo Vespucci.
    America was named after Amerigo Vespucci.
  • (Active to passive) We can find polar bears on the North Pole.
    Polar bears can be found on the North Pole.
  • (Active to passive) They built the tallest skyscaper in the world in Dubai.
    The tallest skyscraper in the world was built in Dubai.
  • (Passive to active) The World Cup was won by Argentina.
    Argentina won the World Cup.