
There was an old lady who swallowed a frog

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  • Where was the Old Lady?
    She was outside.
  • Name types of weather
    Rainy, sunny, cloudy, snowy, etc.
  • Why did the old lady swallow the seeds?
    She swallowed the seeds to fill in the dirt.
  • Name an animal from the story
  • What came out of her mouth?
    A garden came out of her mouth.
  • Why was the lady swallowing the items?
    She swallowed the items to make a garden.
  • What did the old lady swallow first?
    She swallowed a frog first.
  • Name 2 things you can grow in a garden
    vegetable, fruit, herbs, flowers, etc.
  • What did the old lady swallow after the dirt?
    She swallowed seeds.
  • What did she swallow second?
    She swallowed dirt after the frog.
  • Describe the sun
    The sun is hot, it is in the sky, it warms our planet....
  • Describe seeds
    You plant seeds, they grow roots and sprout leaves...
  • What did the old lady swallow last?
    She swallowed a rake.
  • Why did the old lady swallow the sunlight?
    She swallowed the sunlight to dry up the rain.
  • Name a clothing item from the story
  • Describe a frog
    A frog is green, it lives outside, it eats flies, it is an amphibian...
  • When did the story happen?
    The story happened during spring time.
  • Name a tool from the story.