
Know your responsibilities!

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  • Our school library wants us to return books on time. I ..... return these books by Tuesday.
  • My father is responsible for doing shopping. He ..... do shopping every weekend.
  • I musn't forget .......... the cat before I go to school.
  • My sister and I share some chores at our home. She must ...... ..... ....., and I mustn't forget to take out the garbage.
    do the ironing
  • My family is going on vacation. I .......... do the chores for a few days.
  • You .......... use your mobile phones in classroom. It is forbidden. 
  • My father and I must ..... ..... ..... while my mother cook dinner.
    set the table
  • We .......... leave the class neat and tidy.
  • I broke the vase. I... a) must/can't   b) clean the bathroom/vacuum the floor ....before my mother come!
    a) must / b) vacuum the floor
  • A: Who is responsible for loading and emptying the .........? B: My sister ..... load and empty it everyday.
    dishwasher / must