
Earthquakes review

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  • Around the biggest plate a special "ring" has been formed. What's its name?
    Ring of FIre
  • Iceland is also called the island of...........and ............
    Ice and Fire
  • What is the name of the island that will be cut in half by plate movement?
  • What's the opposite of a divergent plate?
  • Which are the names of two different scales used to measure the strenght of earthquakes?
    Mercalli and Richter
  • Which plate movement is the most devastating and dangerous?
    Transform plate movement
  • Do you remember the location of a Valley created by divergent plates?
    The Great Rift Valley in Africa
  • What is the instrument used to measure the strenght of a hearthquake?
    A sismograph
  • What is an epicentre?
    The point where the energy of the earthquake reaches the surface.
  • What is the name of the biggest plate?
    Pacific plate
  • What is an hypocentre?
    The point from which the energy and the waves of the hearthquake originate.
  • Which type of movement caused the earthquake in Turkey?
  • Depending on what is on top of it plates are divided in two categories that are...
    Oceanic and continental plates
  • Which are the three possible movements of tectonic plates?
    Divergent, convergent, transform
  • Do you remember the name and location of an important area that is under pressure because of transform plates?
    San Andreas fault in California
  • Do you remember the name of the 7 major tectonic plates?
    Eurasian, African, Australian (Indian), Antartic, North American, South American, Pacific
  • What are the "boundaries of a plate"?
    The border, the limits, the outer part of a plate
  • What happens when two plates are divergent?
    Creation of a Rift Valley