
Past Perfect

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  • The waitress ________ (run) after him because he ________ (not pay) the bill
    ran / hadn't paid
  • I __________ (not can) take a photo of the crocodile because I _________ (forget) to charge the battery
    couldn't / had forgotten
  • When he __________ (arrive) at the pool, he realized he _________ (not bring) his swimsuit
    arrived / hadn't brung
  • The firetruck ________ (arrive) after the fire __________ (go out)
    arrived / had gone out
  • She ______ (be) tired because she _______ (be) in the queue all night
    was / had been
  • She _________ (just have) dinner so she ________ (not be) hungry
    had just had / wasn't
  • When I ________ (go) to school today, I realized that I _________ (leave) my brain at home
    got / had left
  • When Julie got home from her holiday, her flat was a mess. John ___________________ (have) a party.
    had had
  • The printer ___________ (not work) because he ___________ (not turn) it on
    didn't work / hadn't turned
  • She ____________ (be) very cold because she _____________ (not take) her coat
    was / hadn't taken
  • I _________ (not recognize) him because he ___________ (become) fat
    didn't recognize / had become
  • I opened the fridge to find someone ______________________________ (eat) all my chocolate.
    had eaten
  • They _______ (can) speak French because they ______ (learn) it at school
    could / had learned
  • She ________ (have to) pay again because she _______ (lose) her ticket
    had to / had lost
  • It ___________ (not rain) all summer, so the grass was completely dead.
    hadn't rained
  • My father __________ (be) really angry because I __________ (throw) a party
    was / had thrown
  • When they ________ (get) to the train station, the train _________ (already leave)
    got / had already left
  • They ____________ (never fly) before and they __________ (be) very nervous
    had never flown / were
  • Last year Juan ________________________________ (pass) all his exams.
  • First, I tidied the flat, then I _______________ (sit) down and had a cup of coffee