
Idioms C1 P6

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  • What's the idiom?
    a loose cannon
  • What's the idiom?
    a cold fish
  • What's the idiom?
    a tough cookie
  • What's the idiom?
    a real pain in the neck
  • What's the idiom?
    a rotten apple
  • The chief, obviously ..., gave him ten bucks.
    a soft touch
  • What's the idiom?
    wet blanket
  • She's a lovely person, but her husband's a bit of ...
    a cold fish
  • What's the idiom?
    couch potato
  • That child is ... . He is always screaming and breaking stuff.
    a real pain in the neck
  • I don't think we can take a risk on ... like him running our country.
    a loose cannon
  • What's the idiom?
    a very quick temper
  • He left business school and became a ... in the City.
    big cheese
  • He said his wife is ..., a breast cancer survivor who battled the disease for nearly ten years.
    a tough cookie
  • What's the idiom?
    big cheese
  • What's the idiom?
    a heart of gold
  • Police corruption is not just a few ...
    rotten apples
  • Their ideas seem to be far more ... and sensible.
    down to earth