
I wish

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  • You have brown hair. You want blonde hair.
    I wish I had blonde hair
  • Your friend always interrupts when you’re talking.
    I wish he wouldn`t interrupt me
  • You sold some things. Now you regret.
    I wish |I hadn`t sold things
  • The sun has gone behind a cloud. You want it to come out.
    I wish it would come out
  • Your wife bites her nails. This gets on your nerves.
    I wish she wouldn`t bite her nails
  • You ate too much and now you need to go to the gym.
    I wish I hadn`t ate too much
  • You turned down a job in Australia. Now you’re sorry!
    I wish I hadn`t turned down a job in Australia.
  • It’s Friday. You’re dreaming about weekends.
    I wish it was a weekend
  • You’re on a skiing holiday. There isn’t enough snow. You want more.
    I wish it would be more snow
  • Your boss demands too much to do. It annoys you.
    I wish he wouldn`t demand too much to do
  • You can’t play the guitar but you want to be able to do so.
    I wish I was able to play the guitar
  • You got into a car crash and now you’re upset.
    I wish I hadn`t got into a car crash
  • You have seen a holiday advertised in Thailand. You’d love to go but it’s too expensive.
    I wish I could go to Thailand
  • You have three daughters. You want a son.
    I wish I had a son
  • You painted the living room green. It’s horrible colour!
    I wish I hadn`t painted the living room green