
GTTT 2 Module

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  • The mobile phone might be too expensive. Patty might not buy it. - First Conditional
    If the mobile phone is expensive, Patty won't buy it.
  • If you don't pass the test, your father ______ ____ very sad.
    will be
  • It ______ 20 minutes for me to get home.
  • My mom's a bit _______ that I won't call home the whole weekend. But she shouldn't be, of course, I will.
  • A peanut butter and sardine sandwich? Are you serious? Yuck, it's __________.
  • _______ you ____ to ______ to my birthday party?
    Would you like to come
  • My parents have grounded me for two weeks, but I really hope they'll ______ their ______.
    change their mind
  • It's only Monday, but I'm already _______ _______ ___ next weekend.
    looking forward to
  • If she _______ hurry, she will be late.
  • Do you know the order of the planets in the ______ ______?
    solar system
  • Thank you for the __________, but I can't come.
  • __________ haven't found a cure for cancer yet.
  • What are Danny's plans for his holiday?
    He's going to take photos.
  • Do you feel tired? You must go on holiday. - First Conditional
    If you feel tired, go on holiday.
  • I love animals, _________ dogs. They're my favourites.
  • There's an enormous ______ in the corner.
  • I'm ________ _____ my keys. Have you seen them?
    looking for
  • The ______________ today is 14 degrees Celsius.
  • _____________________, when I saw them together. I thought they hated each other.
    I couldn't believe my eyes
  • Don't worry, you can eat that, it doesn't ______ any gluten.
  • Now is he her brother or her boyfriend? I'm totally ________.
  • The sea shimmered in the __________.
  • Slow down, or I'll jump out of the car! _______ ____!
  • If they catch him, he will be ______ ____ _______!
    in big trouble
  • I know it ______ a bit boring, but believe me, it will be fantastic!
  • I hate _________, especially oysters.
  • The scientists conducted an __________ on rats to determine if the new medication is safe for people.
  • I sometimes wish I had a _______ _________. I'd travel back in time.
    time machine
  • The floor is slippery. You _________ fall over.
    are going to
  • If you mix red and blue, ______________.
    you get purple
  • If you don't know the word, ______ ____ ____ in the dictionary.
    look it up
  • Could you _____ that glass ____ fresh water?
    fill - with
  • Some people say that blue light can ________ your eyes.
  • What are Lucy's plans for her holiday?
    She's going to play tennis.
  • I'm afraid I ____ _______ it, because we're having a family get-together that day.
    I can't make it