
"My Family" Questions

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  • Stand up and spin around three times!
    Oh no!
    Yay! Great Job!
  • Find someone with the name beginning with T and give them a high five!
    Yay! Great Job!
    Oh no!
  • Find someone with the name beginning with M and give them a high five!
    Yay! Great Job!
    Oh no!
  • Walk to the board and spell this word correctly: A P O I N
    Oh no!
    Yay! Great Job!
  • Why do you think Camila introduce her family right away?
    The story is going to be about her family.
    The story is going to be about her dog.
  • How can you tell from the text and from the photos that Camila’s family members love each other?
    They aren't actually happy. They are fibbing.
    They spend time together, and they seem very happy in photos
  • Stand up and spin around five times!
    Yay! Great Job!
    Oh no!
  • Why do you think the author used photographs instead of drawings in this selection?
    He likes showing photos.
    He wanted you to see what the people look like in real life.
  • Walk to the board and spell this word correctly: T U C S K
    Oh no!
    Yay! Great Job!
  • Walk to the board and spell this word correctly: T V S I I
    Yay! Great Job!
    Oh no!
  • Who is giving the information in this selection?
    Cuba is giving information.
    Camila is giving information.
  • Stand up and spin around five times!
    Yay! Great Job!
    Oh no!
  • Look at the family diagram. How does it help you to understand the story?
    shows all of Camila’s relatives and how they are related
    shows all of Camila’s relatives and how they are not related
  • Walk to the board and spell this word correctly: C N I U O S (S)
    Yay! Great Job!
    Oh no!
  • Look at the family diagram. How does it help you know more about family members?
    It shows you who everyone is and how they are related.
    It's used to try and confuse you.
  • How do you think Camila’s family feels about music?
    I think they like music.
    I don't think they like music.
  • Boop your nose four times!
    Oh no!
    Yay! Great Job!