
Chapter 9: US Dakota War

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  • Dakota who want to maintain their culture and resist efforts to make them live like European Americans were called...
    Traditional Dakota
  • One reason the war began was the Dakota were restricted from hunting and fishing and food supplis were withheld.
  • Only 38 of the 303 arrested Dakota were executed because...
    They were the ones who committed crimes against civilians
  • The trader who kept 2 stores in the Upper and Lower Sioux Agency was...
    Andrew Myrick
  • One reason the war began was the traders were acting as businessmen, not kin, and shutting down their credit system.
  • The leader who ended the Dakota war with an army of 1,400 soldiers was...
    Henry Sibley
  • One reason the war began was agents were not giving annuities or food to Dakota.
  • Farm Dakota adapted to European American life, hairstyles, clothes, religion, and homes.
  • Some Dakota thought it was a good time to fight because the U.S. would not fight back because of the Civil War.
  • A place where civilians, prisoners of war, or political prisoners are held is a...
    Internment camp
  • The leader of a Traditional Dakota village at the Lower Agency was...
    Big Eagle
  • Traditional and farm Dakota did not have any differences, and their relationship did not help start the war.
  • Traditional Dakota wanted to keep their old way of life, rituals, beliefs, and their ability to go off the reservation.
  • A settler who was taken captive by traditional Dakota at age 14 was...
    Mary Schwandt
  • One reason the war began was the traders took the side of the Dakota and attacked the other settlers.
  • A missionary on the Upper Agency who helped establish a farm Dakota community was...
    Stephen Riggs
  • Wounded Man and the farm Dakota joined the Traditional Dakota in attacking settlers and farms.
  • One reason the war began was government annuity payments were consistently late.
  • A farm Dakota person who witnessed the first attack against settlers near the agency was...
    Wounded Man
  • Dakota who adopted some European American ways, including farming like settlers were called...
    Farm Dakota
  • Most Minnesotans supported the trials and wanted to see the Dakota punished.