
What Am I? St. Paddy's Mystery Fun

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  • I'm a sport, played on a field, with sticks and a ball, the Irish yield. What am I?
  • I'm a stew, made with lamb, potatoes, and veggies, a hearty dish to cram. What am I?
    Irish Stew
  • I'm a bread, dense and sweet, with raisins or currants, a treat. What am I?
    Irish Soda bread
  • I'm a treat, chocolaty and round, wrapped in gold foil, waiting to be found. What am I?
    Chocolate gold coin
  • I'm a famous river, flowing through the heart of Dublin, too. What am I?
    River Liffey
  • I'm a plant, small and green, with three leaves, often seen. What am I?
  • I'm a legend, a female spirit, keening by the water, you may hear it. What am I?
  • I'm a feast, held each year, with corned beef and cabbage near. What am I?
    St. Patrick's Day dinner
  • I'm an arch of colors bright, after rain, I'm a beautiful sight. What am I?
  • A mysterious force, good or bad, when you have me, you might be glad. What am I?
  • I'm a dance, lively and spry, with feet tapping, spirits high. What am I?
    Irish Jig
  • A long, thin item, waved in the air, with green, white, and orange, showing you care. What am I?
    Irish flag
  • I'm a color, vibrant and bold, symbolizing luck untold. What am I?
  • I bring luck when I appear, a tiny creature, have no fear. What am I?
  • I'm a symbol, strong and true, a Celtic knot, old and new. What am I?
  • With steps precise and costumes grand, I'm a traditional performance, never bland. What am I?
    Irish Step Dance
  • I'm a city, full of charm, with pubs and music, no alarm. What am I?
  • I'm a patron saint, legends vast, driving snakes out in the past. What am I?
    St. Patrick
  • A snake-free land, legends say, I'm an island, green and gray. What am I?
  • A stringed instrument, wood and wire, plucked by fingers, music to inspire. What am I?
  • I'm a mythical creature, large and fearsome, serpentine with wings, seldom seen. What am I?
    Irish Dragon
  • I'm a famous castle, towering tall, in County Clare, standing since 1425, for all. What am I?
    Bunratty Castle
  • A treasure hidden, so it's said, at a rainbow's end, full of red. What am I?
    Pot of Gold
  • I'm a famous stone, kissed for luck, at a castle, try not to get stuck. What am I?
    Blarney Stone