
grammar: present perfect

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  • Robin / read / her new book 
    Robin has read her new book 
  • Alison Brown / lose / her keys
    Alison Brown has lost her keys
  • Sanji / make / breakfast for the boys
    Sanji has made breakfast for his crew
  • Mrs Black / wash / the dishes
    Mrs Black has washed the dishes
  • The Snows / complete / a cheap car insurance
    The Snows have completed a cheap car insurance
  • Tom Davis / win / the tennis match
    Tom Davis has won the tennis match
  • Mr and Mrs Baker / have / an accident
    Mr and Mrs Baker have had an accident
  • Ace / play / football
    Ace has played football.
  • The girls / bring / some wood for the fire
    The girls have brought some wood for the fire
  • Usop and Choper / find / some money in the street
    Usop and Choper have found some money in the street