
Unit 2

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  • Describe your least favorite food with two sensory verbs
    [this food] smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds...
  • Describe your singing skills with an adverb of degree and of manner.
    I sing very/fairly/extremely well/badly/loudly/carelessly
  • Describe your cooking skills with an adverb of degree and of manner.
    I cook very/fairly/extremely well/badly/slowly/carelessly
  • Describe your favorite clothes with two sensory verbs
    [this clothing] smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds...
  • Describe going on vacation using the structure [adjective] + [infinitive]
    excited to travel, delighted to go on vacation, difficult to pack....
  • Describe your listening skills with an adverb of degree and of manner.
    I listen very/fairly/extremely well/badly/carefully
  • Describe learning english using the structure [adjective] + [infinitive]
    easy to understand, hard to speak, willing to learn...
  • List two adverbs of frequency
    never, always, sometimes, usually, hardly ever, rarely...
  • How many syllables does DETECTIVE have and where is the stress?
    3 - on the 2nd syllable
  • Describe an orange with two sensory verbs
    An orange feels/smells/looks/sounds/tastes...
  • Does MUSIC have an /s/ sound or a /z/ sound in the middle?
  • Does THIS end with an /s/ sound or a /z/ sound?
  • How many syllables does DISAPPEAR have and where is the stress?
    3 - on the 3nd syllable
  • Describe your house with two sensory verbs
    My house smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds...
  • Describe your teacher using the structure [adjective] + [infinitive]
    happy to help, eager to see me, excited to eat, surprised to discover...
  • Describe a friend using the structure [adjective] + [infinitive]
    happy to help, eager to see me, excited to eat, surprised to discover...
  • Describe your negotiating skills with an adverb of degree and of manner.
    I negotiate very/fairly/extremely well/badly/quickly/carefully
  • List two adverbs of manner
    badly, carefully, carelessly, easily, honestly, quickly
  • Describe a party with two sensory verbs
    A party smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds...
  • How many syllables does STRATEGY and where is the stress?
    3 - on the 1st syllable
  • List two adverbs of degree
    fairly, pretty, really, very, extremely, truly