
Our Houses In The Future

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  • How can robots help us in our future homes? - They can help us ...
    Cook and clean
  • Name 5 rooms in the house!
    Well done!
  • Why is your house the BEST? My house is the best because...
  • Where is your dream house located? It is located in ...
    the city, the countryside, space, underwater, etc...
  • What's type of house is this?
  • Find bathroom - 10 seconds!
  • What smart appliances would you like to have in your house? - I would like to have a ______ and a ________.
  • What can you find in a future kitchen?
    Smart fridge, smart cooker etc
  • Where is this location for a house? This is the _________.
  • High Five Teacher Gabby! 5..4...3..2..1
  • A) What type of house would you like in the future? B) The type of house I would like in the future is a ___________.
  • Find "mansion" - 10 seconds!
  • What type of house is this? It's a _______.
  • How many rooms are in your dream house? There are ____ rooms in my dream house.
  • What type of house is your dream house? My dream house is a...
    villa, mansion, castle, etc
  • What type of house is this? - It's a ________.