
All conditionals

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  • On our last skiing trip it snowed so hard that we were not able to ski every day.
    If it had not snowed so hard on the trip, we would/might have been able to ski every day.
  • If he had told you the truth, nothing like this would have happened.
    Had he told you the truth, nothing like this would have happened.
  • Luke doesn't do any exercise. He feels out of shape.
    If Luke did some exercise, he would not feel out of shape.
  • If I'd woken up earlier, I wouldn't have missed the boat.
    Had I woken up earlier, I wouldn't have missed the boat.
  • They would have understood that breakfast was not included if they had read the brochure
    They would have understood that breakfast was not included had they read the brochure
  • Millie didn't buy the top. She didn't have any money
    Millie would have bought the top if she'd had I she had had some money
  • If they hadn't come on time, we would have missed the plane.
    Had they not come on time, we would have missed the bus.
  • Matt doesn't treat Sue well. She won't stay with him
    If Matt treated his girlfriend better, she'd stay I she would stay with him
  • You don't do any exercise. You don't feel healthy.
    You'd feel / You would feel better if you did some exercise
  • If she was a bit taller, she could be a model
    Was she a bit taller, she could be a model
  • Rebecca drinks too much coffee. She sleeps badly.
    If Rebecca didn't drink so much coffee, she wouldn't sleep (so) badly
  • I don't drive to work. T here's so much traffic.
    I'd drive/ I would drive to work if there weren't I wasn't so much traffic.
  • You get up late. You waste half the morning
    If you got up earlier, you wouldn't waste half the morning
  • Luke missed the train. He was late for the interview.
    If Luke hadn't missed the train, he wouldn't have been late for the interview
  • Jim bought the wrong size. I had to change the sweater.
    If Jim had bought the right size, I wouldn't have had to change the sweater.
  • My first job was extremely frustrating. I quit.
    If my first job had not been so frustrating, I would not have quit.
  • It started snowing. We didn't reach the top.
    If it hadn't started snowing, we'd have reached I we would have reached the top.
  • If we weren't so clever, we wouldn't have got the contract.
    Were we not so clever, we wouldn't have got the contract.
  • If he were over 18, we would allow him to join club.
    Were he over 18, we would allow him to join club.