
Think about it unit 2

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  • רד . זה לא בטוח שם למעלה
    Get down! It isn't safe up there.
  • I want __________ of cake,
    a piece
  • Pupils _______ (not go) to school at night.
    don't go
  • Gal __________ (not work) on Wednesday.
    doesn't work
  • Where ______ my neighbor ______ (play) soccer?
    does, play
  • "during" means: think about/ huge/ each/ at the time of?
    at the time of
  • What can you break?
    glass, a chair...
  • The boxes are the ________ (אותו גודל).
    same size
  • I like to read books in my ________ (זמן פנוי).
    spare time
  • What can you taste?
    chocolate, a sandwich, a cake...
  • פעם לא היה אפשרי לנשים ללמוד באוניברסיטה
    once it was not possible for women to learn in the university.
  • "Project" means: very big/ task/ every one/at the time of?
    a task
  • _____ you _____ (have) a pet?
    Do, have
  • תרגמו: אמא מזכירה לאבא לקנות חלב פעם בשבוע.
    Mom reminds dad to buy milk once a week.
  • תרגמו: הוא תמיד מנקה את כל החדרים חוץ מהמטבח
    He always cleans all of the rooms except for the kitchen.
  • ___________ (דמיין) you can fly like a bird.
  • Dan's arm hurt once/ badly when she fell from the tree.
  • What does the word "feed" mean?
    To give food to a person or animal.
  • What can you pour?
    milk, water, juice...
  • I like to ________ (להריח) flowers.