
2nd Grade Q & A

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  • What's the highest moutain in Japan?
    Mt. Fuji is.
  • Who's your favorite singer?
    Arianna Grande is.
  • Who was a black rights leader in South Africa?
    Nelson Mandela
  • What is the most popular sport in Japan?
    Baseball is. / Sumo is. / Soccer is.
  • What subject do you like?
    I like English.
  • Can you do sumo?
    Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
  • Where is the crocodile?
    It's in the water. / It's by the flamingo (bird).
  • Were you busy yesterday?
    Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.
  • [ ] long has he played baseball?
  • What's the biggest city in Japan?
    Tokyo is.
  • What is Canada's national animal?
  • Do you want to be famous?
    Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
  • What are you going to do after school?
    I'm going to watch TV.
  • What did Hyoju's mother want to eat?
  • How many pencils does your group have?
    Ex: We have 12 pencils.
  • Which is colder, Hokkaido or Nagasaki?
    Hokkaido is.
  • Is he slow?
    Yes, he is.
  • Dragonball is [ ] to people around Japan.
  • Have you ever walked a dog?
    Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
  • Spell your favorite color in English.
    Ex: O-R-A-N-G-E
  • Her bag is [ ] than his bag.
  • What did you have for breakfast?
    I had rice and miso soup.
  • What can the dog do?
    It can take a bath/ shower.
  • How did you come to school today?
    By bike. / By car. / I walked to school.
  • Where did you go on your school trip?
    Ex: I went to Nagasaki.
  • I haven't finished lunch [ ].
  • Which is more expensive, unadon or tendon?
    Unadon is.
  • What is burned in Hiroshima every year?
    paper cranes
  • I have [ ] been to Hokkaido.
  • What did Gon give to Hyoju?
  • The man is [ ] than the woman.
  • What can you do? How long have you done that?
    Ex: I can play soccer. I have played soccer for 3 years.
  • What do you want to do during spring vacation?
    Ex: I want to go shopping.
  • What time did you get up this morning?
    I got up at six.
  • What are you going to do tonight?
    I'm going to do my homework.
  • This shirt was [ ] in China.
  • Which do you like the best, summer, spring, fall, or winter?
    I like fall the best.
  • Which is more difficult for you, math or science?
    Math is. / Science is.
  • Spell 桜島 in English.
  • What country do you want to visit?
    I want to visit Korea.
  • Which do you like better, cats or dogs?
    I like cats better. / I like dogs better.
  • What will you do next Sunday if it's sunny?
    I'll play soccer with my friends.
  • What is this bird?
  • When is your birthday?
    Ex: My birthday is February 16th.
  • Please give me directions to the giraffe.
    Go straight. Turn left. Go straight. It's on the left.
  • I have been [ ] Tokyo many times.
  • It [ ] rain next week.
  • Have you [ ] cleaning yet?
  • What's your favorite TV show?
    Ex: One Piece is.
  • How many students are there in your class?
    There are _____.
  • What did you do last Saturday?
    Ex: I went shopping.