
Harry Potter Intelligence quiz

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  • What is Lord Voldemort’s full, real name?
    Tom Marvolo Riddle.
  • Who is the ghost of Ravenclaw?
    The grey lady
  • Where did Harry get his wand?
    Ollivanders shop
  • Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts during 7th year?
  • Which Weasley dies during the final battle of Hogwarts?
    Fred Weasley
  • What is Harry's owls name?
  • What are the wizarding schools that participate in the Triwizard Tournament?
    Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang.
  • Name all six Weasley children
    Bill, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny.
  • Who is Voldemort's daughter?
    Delphini Riddle
  • What is Harry's middle name?
  • In the first movie how old is Harry?
    He is 11
  • Harry and Ginny have three children. What are their names?
    James, Albus, and Lily.
  • What is the name of the popular, sweet drink usually served in Hogsmeade?
  • Who is the ghost of Slytherin?
    The bloody Baran.
  • Who is Harry Potter’s godfather?
    Sirius Black.
  • What is Hagrid's spiders name?
  • What is Harry's mom and dad's name?
    Lily Evans and James potter
  • What is Luna's patronis
    A Rabbit
  • What is Harry's wand made out of?
    Holly hock and Phoenix feathers.
  • Who is the Headmaster of Hogwarts?
  • Where was Harry Potter born?
    Godric's Hallow
  • Who is the ghost of Gryffindor?
    Nearly Headless Nick
  • Who is the ghost of Hufflepuff?
    The fat Friar
  • Where in Kings Cross Station does the Hogwarts Express stop?
    Platform 9 and ¾.
  • What is the name of the Weasley twins’ magic joke shop?
    Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes