
First Class Review

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  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the living room.
  • Which clothes are these?
    They're a sweatsuit and sneakers.
  • What's she doing?
    She's cooking.
  • How old are you?
    I'm ...... years old.
  • How many beds are there?
    There is a bed.
  • Which clothes are these?
    They're a sweater and a skirt.
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the kitchen.
  • Which clothes are these?
    They're a dress and a hat.
  • How much is 23 + 16?
    It's thirty-nine.
  • What's he doing?
    He's playing soccer.
  • Which foods are these?
    They're eggs and toast.
  • How many clouds are there?
    There are four clouds.
  • Which foods are these?
    They're meat and potatoes.
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the garage.
  • How much is 48 - 33?
    It's fifteen.
  • How many animals are there?
    There are two animals.
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the garden.
  • How much is 38 - 11?
    It's twenty-seven.
  • How many mushrooms are there?
    There are five mushrooms.
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the bedroom.
  • What's your name?
    My name is....
  • What are they doing?
    They're watching TV.
  • Which foods are these?
    They're rice and chicken.
  • What's she doing?
    She's sleeping.
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the bathroom.
  • What's he doing?
    He's swimming.
  • Which clothes are these?
    They're a jacket and a t-shirt.
  • Which foods are these?
    They're pasta and tomatoes.