
Revision 4th ESO 2

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  • The schools haven't been opened/aren't being opened/won't be opened since the snowstorm.
    Haven't been opened
  • The school concert was supposed to be held/supported/brought up outdoors, but it rained.
  • If you want to travel, it’s a good idea to learn one or two backgrounds/foreign languages/lifestyles.
    Foreign languages
  • Traditional food will be served/won't be served/will serve as usual at our Christmas dinner.
    Will be served
  • Anna’s prayers/beliefs/roots were answered when her father recovered and came home from hospital.
  • This Sunday, a gospel music concert will hold/will be holding/will be held at our church.
    Will be held
  • We wanted to go into the monastery, but our clothes weren’t meaningful/customary/appropriate
  • We will be seen/won't be seeing/will see a play in London because the tickets are too expensive.
    Will see
  • Children under the age of 12 mustn't be allowed/will be allowed/can be allowed to use the ski lift unless they’re with an adult.
    Will be allowed
  • We haven't been offered/aren't being offered/aren't offered anything to eat yet.
    Haven't been offered
  • Before Christmas, the shop windows are usually full of wonderful prayers/fireworks/displays
  • It’s all day long/customary/daily life to remove your shoes before you enter a home in Japan.
  • Are you aware/lonely/fluent that we have been trying to contact you for days?
  • Daniel was curious and held/joined the crowd/bothered to see what was happening.
    Joined the crowd
  • Don’t worry. It’s only a fluent/temporary/stressful situation.
  • The fireworks can be seen/have been seen/can see from our window.
    Can be seen
  • Moving to a new country is often stressful/lonely/stressful and lonely
    Stressful and lonely
  • In India, food musn't be eaten/must eat/can be eaten with your left hand because it’s considered unclean!
    Mustn't be eaten
  • Look! Photos are being taken/are taken/will be taken by drones.
    Are being taken
  • Maybe the cooking class might be cancelled/might cancel/must be cancelled tomorrow.
    Might be cancelled
  • Charlie is lonely/fluent/stressful in Danish because he lived in Denmark for years.
  • It can take new immigrants a long time to settle down/expand their horizons/adapt to their new country.
  • We thought it was customary/meaningful/respectful when the bride made a speech at the marriage ceremony
  • In some countries, atmospheres/parades/daily llives are held on Independence Day.
  • Sasha wants to be an exchange student in Kenya and learn about the atmosphere/way of life/prayersthere.
  • Once we took advantage/got to know/experienced each other, we realised we weren’t so different.
    Got to know